Link: Brief history of disc golf

Photo Credit: PDGA
This week's link comes in the wake of big developments at Smithville Lake.

Construction on a world-class disc golf complex at the lake is well under way, and now is the perfect time to learn about the sport.

Never heard of disc golf? The goal is to toss a flying disc into a target or basket in the fewest amount of throws. The rules closely mimic those of traditional golf with a few exceptions.

Learn more about disc golf from the Professional Disc Golf Association.

Stay tuned for more information on the Smithville Disc Golf Complex.

Photos from the 2010 Ladies Winter Tea on Saturday, November 13th at Historic Mt. Gilead Church a few miles west of Kearney, MO. Participants enjoyed tea, cookies, conversation & craft projects; including necklaces made from dominoes which they painted with winter & Christmas themes, and mini holiday recipe scrapbooks. A festive time was had by all!

All 35 seats were filled a good 6 weeks before the event date. Our faithful repeat participants were quick on the draw when signing up this year, but we were very pleased to see some new faces too, ladies who had never attended one of our teas before. It's always nice to make new friends!!

Fall colors at the James Farm

The beautiful weather this week inspired me to get outside & take photos of all the lovely colors out here at the Jesse James Farm & Museum. It was nice to soak up the sunshine. I keep thinking that these are probably the last nice days we'll get until spring. Who knows when this lovely weather will end. For now, I'm trying to enjoy it as much as possible by eating my lunch outside on the porch every day.

Link: Breathtaking in-flight birds photography

Photo Credit: Hmong Soul

This week's link comes from design blog and features amazing photos of birds in flight.

Now is a great time to keep your camera handy as birds and other wildlife migrate toward their winter homes.

According to, animal migration is triggered by many different cues including length of sunlight in a day, temperature and circadian rhythms.

 Read more about migration here.