Times are tough. But the kids don't know that money's tight. They just know that summer is so close they can practically taste it. Soon they'll be itching to get out of the house to see & do & experience summer (probably you are too). That's why we're offering 2-for-1 deals on admission. Here's 2 ways to save some $$ at the Jesse James Farm & Jesse James Bank Museums...

Print your 2-for-1 admission coupon at visitkc.com.
You can also access their website with your smart phone & show us the coupon on your phone when you arrive at The Jesse James Farm & Museum, or the Jesse James Bank Museum.

Bring your McDonald's coupon to The Jesse James Farm & Museum, or the Jesse James Bank Museum & we'll give you the 2-for-1 admission deal. Check out roadtriprewards.com to learn more.
Happy savings!
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